As the feedback from this year’s WordCamp trickles in its already clear that the work the organizing team put into it was completely worth it. People loved the venue, the speakers, the food and they loved the city of Split. Seeing almost 200 people enjoying the networking opportunities and learning from their peers was a very rewarding experience for us. One recurring comment that stood out was that this was one of the most laid-back, easy-going conferences people attended – which is exactly in the spirit of Split. It’s awesome that the hosting city can imbue some of its ambiances in such a way. Continue reading WordCamp Split 2016 Recap
Category: Announcements
WordCamp Split afterparty will be at the Moon bar
Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well and that you’re already in Split learning at one of our 6 workshops and if not – that you are on your way here. Conference will open tomorrow at 9:00 and will last until 18:00, and afterparty will begin at 20:00 at Moon bar, Ul. Matice hrvatske 1, 21000, Split.
We have a limit on spending but since it’s pretty high (we want you to relax and not think about money), just make sure to get there at 8PM sharp (once the limit is reached, everyone pays for their own drinks). Though, we plan for each participant to have at leasts 2 drinks ;).
Settle up, get a swim, and see you tomorrow morning at 8:00 when the registration will open.
Prijavite se na WordCamp Split Contributor day
Tek smo dva dana daleko od drugog hrvatskog WordCampa koji se od petka do nedjelje održava u prelijepom Splitu. U petak nas očekuje 6 odličnih radionica (dvije na engleskom jeziku) koje drže vrsni stručnjaci. Ako se do sada još niste prijavili na radionice – prijavite se odmah. U subotu je konferencijski dan gdje nas očekuje 13 zanimljivih predavanja. Jeste li već kupili svoju kartu? No, danas nećemo pričati o samoj konferenciji već o Contributor dayu koji se održava u nedjelju. Continue reading Prijavite se na WordCamp Split Contributor day
Još 2 dana da odaberete veličinu majice
Manje od 2 tjedna je ostalo do drugog hrvatskog WordCampa, onog u gradu pod Marjanom i prvog WordCampa koji se održava u predivnom Splitu. Radionice su već najavljene, imamo ih 5 i to u 2 termina – podnevnom i poslijepodnevnom. Jeste li se već prijavili za radionice? Ako niste, sada je vrijeme jer broj mjesta je ograničen. Radionice su inače besplatne za sve.
Sljedeća stvar koju trebate napraviti je kupiti kartu kako biste mogli prisustvovati konferenciji i poslušati jedno od 13 odličnih predavanja, vodećih stručnjaka iz svijeta WordPressa.
A imamo zaista dobre predavače od Tomaža Zamana iz Codeablea (koji će kao najbolji prošlogodišnji predavač otvoriti ovogodišnji WordCamp Split), preko Joška Džidića iz Sucuria, Nevene Tomović i Milana Ivanovića Manage WP-a, Luce Sartonija iz Automattica, Noela Tocka iz Human Madea i Emira Kurtovića iz Toptala. Domaće snage predvode Tomislav Leljak i Andrej Šimunaj iz AM2 Studia, zatim Borko Livić (jedan od najaktivnijih hrvatskih WordPressaša koji će održati predavanje na hrvatskom jeziku), te dizajnerski trio – Natko Hasić, Lucijan Blagonić i Nela Dunato.
Radionice će isto biti zanimljive, a ove godine ih imamo 5 (dvije više nego lani). Kako su radionice besplatne za sve, za njih se možete prijaviti bez obzira imate li kupljenu kartu za WordCamp Split, no u slučaju većeg broja prijavljenih prednost će imati oni koji su kupili kartu za konferenciju. Radionice su različite i sve osim jedne se održavaju na hrvatskom jeziku. U podne krećemo s radionicom o onboardingu i korisničkoj podršci, koju će voditi Aleksandar Savković iz Manage WP-a, te onu o prikupljanju i vizualizaciji podataka koju će držati Konrad Leon Toldy iz našeg edukacijskog partnera Algebre. Poslijepodnevne radionice otvara Luca Sartoni s “The Art of Public Speaking” (ako ste se planirali okušati kao predavač na jednom od budućih WordPress Meetupa ili nekom stranom WordCampu – ovo je idealna radionica za vas). Konrad Leon Toldy će održati radionicu o izradi WordPress pluginova za početnike, dok će Krešimir Končić iz nagrađivane agencije Neuralab, održati radionicu o upravljanju WordPress projekatima (ako dolazite iz agencije, ovo je radionica za vas).
Još 30 29 28 27 25 22 16 7 karata
Za WordCamp Split ostalo je tek 29 karata, a svi koji do srijede navečer kupe kartu, moći će odabrati veličinu majice koju ćete moći podignuti na dan konferencije. Inače, baš smo danas najavili novi vizualni identitet hrvatskih WordCampova, pa tamo možete vidjeti kako će izgledati majica.
Ne zaboravite da smo za studente osigurali određen broj karata s popustima od 50%.
Vidimo se u Splitu za 11 dana ;).
WordCamp Split Branding
Our last WordCamp Croatia was held in Rijeka and Split will host it this year. Next year? Who knows. As every location is unique, branding is the perfect opportunity to highlight that location. And with changing the WordCamp location each year, we wanted to develop something new that could be (at least in some form) be used over years to represent that. We present you the new visual identity for Croatian WordCamps that will be used for the first time at WordCamp Split. Continue reading WordCamp Split Branding
Najavljujemo 5 besplatnih WordPress radionica
Nastavljajući tradiciju od prošle godine, kada smo na WordCampu u Rijeci organizirali besplatne radionice o WordPressu koje su bile odlično posjećene, to ćemo isto ponoviti i ove godine u Splitu. Radionice se uobičajeno održavaju dan prije WordCampa te su otvorene za sve, bez ozbira imate li kupljenu kartu za WordCamp. Ove smo godine povećali broj radionica, pa ih tako imamo ukupno pet, od čega dvije organizirano u suradnji s Algebrom – edukacijskim partnerom WordCampa Split. Continue reading Najavljujemo 5 besplatnih WordPress radionica
Tomaž Zaman to open WordCamp Split
This year we are starting a tradition of last year’s favorite speaker opening the next year event. Last year we asked all attendees to pick 3 favorite talks and 70% of attendees selected talk “You are too cheap” from Tomaž Zaman as the best.
We are extremely happy to announce our first speaker for this year’s WordCamp Split and a good friend of Croatian WordPress community. Please welcome Tomaž Zaman from Codeable. Continue reading Tomaž Zaman to open WordCamp Split
Welcome to WordCamp Split
Another year in Croatia and another WordCamp. Theres a slight change in the naming of the event this year. So, this year, the Croatian WordPress community is organizing WordCamp Split 2016. This change was initiated by WordCamp Central in a effort to unify the naming scheme worldwide. The change is purely cosmetic and the Croatian WordPress community will continue its yearly organization of WordCamps and rotate host cities and organizers.
As a part of our initial idea of rotating cities, this year we decided Split would host the event. The local Split community is maturing and having a event like WordCamp would be a great catalyst to spur further growth. We believe that people will find the larger context of WordPress inspiring, trough experiences and know-how of their colleagues from around the region and the world. September is also a great time to meet in Split. Good food, weather and the sea will certainly make the whole socializing experience much more enjoyable. And yes, there will be a great afterparty :D. Continue reading Welcome to WordCamp Split
Call for Speakers
For the second year, Croatian community organizes one official Croatian WordCamp. After the very first (and successful) WordCamp Croatia, this year we’ll have WordCamp Split. Are you ready to submit a talk proposal? Read on. Continue reading Call for Speakers
Call for Volunteers
What would a WordCamp be without volunteers? We’re glad you want to help us organize first WordCamp Split. It would be a kick–ass event and a great experience for both us and you.
We closed our Call for volunteers.
Thank you for applying.